Halloween and Estate Planning

On Halloween, kids dress up to “trick or treat” the neighborhood while parents hand out candy. So what does the holiday have to do with estate planning.

Halloween is occurs on the evening of October 31. The holiday comes from pagan harvest festivals. Some believed that the souls of the dead would wander the Earth until November 1st. Halloween was the final chance for the spirits to interact with the living. In some cultures, families would leave meals out for spirits of deceased relatives.

So what does this have to do with estate planning? Estate and probate attorneys give the deceased the last opportunity to interact with the living. Through a properly prepared estate plan, the deceased can speak to the living and show how much they care for them. They can provide comfort and support during a troubling time.

Unfortunately, preparing for death or incapacity can be frightening. But it doesn’t need to be. Using a skilled estate planning attorney can take the uncertainty and scare out of putting together an effective plan. Most of all, an estates attorney can make sure your last act on this Earth are as positive as possible for your loved ones.

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